Our group of organic farmers:
values and mission
The choice of organic cultivation and to operate exclusively in this sector derives from our deep, historical link with the land. Sustainable farming, in fact, makes it possible to produce without altering the natural balance, without plundering or excessively exploiting it.
The organic production method is different from the conventional one because it does not operate through aggression: it does not use pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilisers, fungicides or insecticides.
It acts preventively in the defence of the crop using natural methods that favour the production of foodstuffs in a healthy way. Organic farming uses techniques that respect the intrinsic fertility of the soil, it does not impoverish or pollute the soil and, as a result, ensures products that are not only healthier but also tastier.
To convey the uniqueness of the quality, the passion and the values that characterise us, the new brand of our productions was created:
Research into production techniques and varieties of organic products
From the many years’ experience and experimentation of the family farm comes the continuous search for more sustainable production techniques and new more resistant and tasty varieties of organic products, some already patented!
Even before the company was set up, the founder and owner, Flavio Nordera, had significant farming and experimental experience having been involved since his youth in agriculture, nurseries and experimentation in innovative fruit varieties more resistant to disease. Flavio Nordera is also the owner of the nursery company of the same name “Vivai Piante Nordera di Nordera p.a Flavio” with headquarters in the province of Verona, and has collaborated profitably in the past with the French firm “Georges Delbard Pèpiniéres et Roseraie”, based in Malicorne, and was among the pioneers in the development in Italy of the famous Royal Gala®Tenroy apple at the end of the 1970s and, subsequently, the Delbarestivale®Delfcorf, Festival®Delorgoue etc…
The farms that collaborate with us share the continuous research and experimentation in new production techniques and product varieties: indeed, the group recently patented some interesting early varieties, Galice®, Dorella® and Sansa®Arena, produced with the Alt’Carpo hail and insect proof net.
Exclusively organic production
In our family farm, we have been operating according to the techniques of organic farming since 2000 and, in 2003, we founded Bio Trading srl in order to promote and market our produce. Over the years, we have earned the trust of other local producers and, currently, 25 farms send us their produce.
We are a group of certified organic companies that operate in accordance with the principles of the EU Regulation 834/2007 (Organic Agriculture) and following the good farming practices of the Global Gap and Global Grasp protocol, contributing to consumers’ health and with respect for the environment and the workers!
Storage, selection and packaging
With advanced facilities and suitable means, we are able to effectively manage all the post-harvest phases: from the quality control and storage to calibration and grading through to packaging and shipping of the labelled and packaged product, ready to be consumed!
We work in a factory of around 3,000 square meters under cover and another 5,000 square metres uncovered. We constantly carry out technical controls in the field before harvest and careful post-harvest checks on the quality and healthiness of the product. With different processing lines, we are able to select the product for different types of clients, offering numerous types of packaging and wrapping.